Friday, July 01, 2011

Part II

Here is another pearl of wisdom I've been longing to insert into my blog:

There does not seem to be a great deal of disparity between an uncivilized and civilized woman, but a world of difference between a civilized man versus uncivilized man. Uncivilized man is no more than a shaved ape.

I try to balance the excess of negativity about humans with the lightness the natural world offers. I swam in the deep waters of Akyaka, eyes wide open beneath the sea, observing friendly fish. I run in the forest, dodging sexually-repressed Turkish men between the ages of 18-25, taking note of turtles, lizards, different varieties of spiders, and large size insects with protruding eyes, and lips. No kidding, insects have faces! They are adorable. I should have studied the world of insects instead of concentrating my efforts on the study of human mammals.

I will see if I can post photos of forms of life in this Gulf at a later date. Animals are certainly worth it. But they are to be experienced directly with all our senses, not just to be read about.

Animals whom we have made our slaves, we do not consider our equal.
Charles Darwin

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