Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Definition of delusion - APA

The American Psychiatric Asssociation defines "delusion" as the following:

"A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary."

As any clinician can attest, delusional patients often suffer from religious delusions.

Nature has me thinking...

about the oppressive nature of city living, how it deadens our senses, and impoverishes our soul.
How it turns ours our day-to-day living into day-to-day dying, into a relentless grind from which the the mind, the body and soul has no escape.

It makes me think deeper about our overall societal, economic, and cultural infrastructure that keep the masses oppressed with hopes of a better, shinier future when nothing could be further from the truth. How can societies as a whole have a better future without some degree of solidarity: recognition of the exploitative forces which then translates into collective action. If we don't allow suffering to speak in the first place, how can we even ever dream of achieving a better future?

It is as if everyone is sleepwalking into catastrophe while the corporate elites, and wall street oligarchs suck the blood out of everyone's livelihood. But we are ah-so-busy to even notice it, right?
Let's just keep lullying ourselves with our "weapons of mass distraction." Keep those ipods, cell phones, computers, tv sets plugged in people. It just must be all those shiny, bright screens that might be blinding us, after all.