Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On writing

It has been over two weeks I have not written. I go through these weeks I can't even fathom composing an email, let alone write prose, or essay (and yet here I am writing a blog entry - perhaps in an attempt to unclog the writing passageways in my brain).

I wonder if other writers are also plagued with frequent shut-downs. We've all heard of writer's block, but that is a different phenomena than what I am experiencing. With writer's block, one finds it difficult to be creative, whereas with a complete shut-down, one finds it difficult to even breathe.

I imagine even if writers suffer from it, they wouldn't reveal it as it would make them seem weak. Unprofessional. Part of the loneliness that comes with our profession, I find is that many are hesitant to reveal aspects of their writing lives. We'd much rather converse about our next gig, fund, where we've been published than talk about more personal, intimate topics related to our profession. We've sort of dug ourselves into this hole of loneliness.

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