Friday, December 12, 2008

Pains of birth - no, not a baby, but an article

The writing process is often likened to the pain and suffering that accompanies popping out a baby. I have never had a child (and never will- see my other postings) but I'll venture to say that writing is even more painful. I've never heard of a delivery that can take weeks, even months. And yet this is the reality for most of us writers. From the time the seed of an idea is planted to the researching, drafting, writing, editing, re-editing and interpreting of the final product, weeks, months or years elapse. And throughout that process we suffer, oh do we suffer, from the painful, agonizing pangs of

Surely, some ideas are easier to research and write than others. Issues related to holistic healing come to me easier now than articles of a political nature. Year 2007 was my political writing era, but I've grown increasingly bored with the subject matter, and even downright hostile to it. I presume the hostility parallels with my over all disillusionment with politics in general. I don't see the point anymore of crafting articles on the dangers our politicians are driving us into. Who listens to writers anyways? So I'd rather stick my neck in the sand, and write on more uplifting, rosy topics. Trust me, this approach has helped me retain whatever sanity I had left; otherwise I'd be all damaged goods.

To be continued...on a mere 3 hours of sleep today. Until next time.

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